Nutritionists are shocked! A student from Puerto Princesa has created unique biologically active formula that helps to lose weight by 10-15 kg per month WITHOUT diets and sports!
But big pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know about it!

At the school graduation, Luisa weighed more than 100 kg
Luisa Santos is the best medical student who was able to lose more than 35 kg in 2 months with the help of her invention! And most importantly, she didn't go on diets or do sports! How she succeeded - read in the article.
Luisa was overweight since childhood. The girl always wanted to lose weight, but while she lived with her parents, she could not do it - Luisa's mother was also overweight and pampered her daughter with homemade pastries, fatty foods, and chocolate since childhood. "That's how she showed her love," says Luisa.
Luisa felt the entire burden of obesity on herself - she was ashamed to go to parties, she had almost no friends, and there were problems in her personal life. Attempts to lose weight through dieting and exercise have not been successful. Then Luisa decided to become a nutritionist to help herself and others.
After graduating from school, Luisa went to study in Manila, where she entered the Manila Center University (MCU). She studied at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, majoring in "Human Nutrition and Dietetics". In the process of studying, in the second year, the girl realized that dietetics is her vocation and this is exactly what she would like to do in her later life - to help herself and others who suffer from excess weight. But she realized that an overweight nutritionist is ridiculous and no one will take her seriously. Then she decided to lose weight. But the food addiction was stronger and the girl was unable to do anything.
While writing her thesis, the girl came across an interesting study - a group of scientists described natural fat burners - they turned out to be berries and some exotic fruits. In addition, substances capable of regulating metabolism and controlling appetite were found in these fruits.
Luisa created a list of these fruits. The task remains simple - to obtain fruit extracts and mix them in specific proportions. But it was not easy to find fruits from the list in Philippines. However, Luisa did not despair - she was able to order dry extracts of the necessary fruits and berries from Tanzania.

Luisa did not leave the laboratory around the clock, working on her formula
Luisa was able to gain access to the laboratory and spent the past few days working on her formula and conducting experiments. When the first results were obtained, Luisa dared to test the effect of the formula on herself.
In just 2 months, Luisa managed to get rid of 35 kg of excess weight!
After returning home from Manila, she tested her formula on her mother - and again the result was amazing: a 47-year-old woman lost 40 kg and got rid of type II diabetes, high blood pressure and joint problems!

Luisa`s mother was able to lose more than 40 kg with the help of her daughter's invention.
The girl wanted to patent her remedy, but she was refused due to a lack of clinical studies. Then Luisa turned to the department to help her organize research, but she was also refused. Its development was not taken seriously.
"I was very sorry! I could see my formula working, it really helped me and my mom lose weight. My friend lost 8 kg using my formula. But they didn't even want to listen to me."
Then I started inviting people to participate in the experiment in social networks. 10 people responded to my appeal. Of these 10 people, 8 lost more than 15 kg per month without diets and sports!
Then I was convinced that my formula is a breakthrough in weight loss!
Later, with the help of Luisa's formula, another 28 people were able to lose weight - these people themselves wrote to the girl and offered their participation in the experiment. Rumors about a wonderful remedy that instantly kills appetite and burns 400-500 grams of fat per day quickly spread in Puerto Princesa.
Scientific structures were interested in Luisa`s discovery and soon she was invited to large-scale clinical studies, which were conducted on the basis of the Research Institute of Dietetics and Nutrition of the Philippine Academy of Medical Sciences, in which more than 2,000 people with a BMI (body mass index) of 30 and above took part.
Currently, Luisa is invited to speak at major medical conferences across the country.

Luisa at the "Association of Dietitians" conference
Under the guidance of scientists from the Institute of Dietetics and Nutrition of the Philippine Academy of Sciences, based on the open Luisa`s formula, a remedy was created, recognized as the most effective in the field of weight loss in 2022.
Clinical trials were successful, and now MEGA SLIM BODY (proprietary name of the product) is used in the best clinics in the world to fight obesity.

Luisa received an honorary award from the Ministry of Health for her contribution to science
Excess weight leads to serious health problems, complexes, psychological problems.
The formula invented by Luisa has a complex effect on the body:
- Restrains appetite
- Restores metabolism
- Promotes burning of fat deposits
Luisa's formula fights leptin resistance and triggers signals to your brain that you are full. In addition, it triggers signals to speed up metabolism.
Leptin is a hormone in the body that helps regulate appetite. This hormone sends signals to your brain to stop eating when your body is satisfied with food.
However, due to "leptin resistance", this signal does not reach your brain. This causes you to eat more, even if you had enough food in your body.
What to do if you have a slow metabolism or have been struggling with excess weight all your life?
Don't worry even if you have a slow metabolism. Even if you've been trying to lose weight all your life. Or even if you just want to lose weight before a wedding or an upcoming event.
The active fat burner, created on the basis of Luisa Santos formula, easily copes with this!
Take, for example, 62-year-old Helen Koen:
She struggled with a slow metabolism all her life. From a young age, she gained weight easily.
However, when she tried this new method of fighting obesity, her metabolism increased 10 times! Now she can eat almost anything she wants. And at the same time remains in shape!
See how Helen changed and started a new life, losing more than 50 kg in 3 months!

Another example is Mary - the girl really wanted to lose weight before the wedding and was looking for an express method. As you can see, everything worked out for her and she lost more than 20 kg in a month!

And Yolanda, 45 years old, suffered from excess weight for most of her life. She also had a slow metabolism. The remedy created by Luisa Santos helped her restart her metabolism and Yolanda can now wear size 46 clothes!

Imagine finding a suit or dress you haven't worn in years. Or what would make you look slimmer in your new social media photos.
This innovative remedy will help make all your weight loss dreams come true!
Your weight problems are not your fault!
Luisa Santos, a certified nutritionist, knows that gaining weight is not your fault. And your weight can be completely controlled and flexible.
When Luisa delved into her research, she learned several shocking things.
There are large pharmaceutical corporations in Philippines that came to us from abroad. And they finance a large part of research and experiments conducted by well-known professors and groups of scientists at research institutes of our country. Professors' salaries depend on funding from these large corporations. Competitors, of course, are of no use to them.

These are the professors themselves who were skeptical of Luisa's development.
Luisa was offended and always asked herself why her supervisor, a well-known and respected professor, promotes potentially dangerous and expensive drugs for weight loss?
And at the same time, it stops the development of a safe, cheap and more effective natural solution to the problem of excess weight.
Thanks to Luisa`s work and activity, which was not stopped by the ban of scientific staff of the Research Institute of Dietology, you can feel the benefits of the new weight loss remedy for yourself.
Luisa claims that:
MEGA SLIM BODY - is the last weight loss aid you will ever need!
You will never need weight loss supplements, diet or exercise again. Why? Her fat burning formula is available to everyone today. And can help you lose up to 20 kg in 30 days! Unlike most weight loss methods, this method promotes stable weight loss. You will be able to save the achieved result FOREVER!
Luisa wants people who suffer from obesity to be able to get rid of excess weight and gain slimness, health and lightness!
Luisa tried it on herself and knows how difficult it is to lose weight. She was on diets, played sports, went to the pool. She drank various slimming products and laxatives. Now she understands that she only harmed herself.
Now she knows for sure that it is possible to lose weight QUICKLY, SAFELY AND EASILY!

Soon you will also be able to see the results of your weight loss. Something you've never seen before.
No need to limit yourself in food. Eat as much as you want. Your accelerated metabolism will prevent you from storing calories as fat.
And you don't need to do sports, fat will burn without physical exertion!
The real antidote to excess weight has been at our fingertips for centuries - it is in plants!
These plants have been quietly growing on Earth, waiting for someone to finally notice their presence. It was enough to combine them and allow them to influence the human body", - says Luisa.
5,000 women and men aged 18 to 78 used the weight loss method invented by Luisa Santos.
All of them successfully lost weight and still remain at their optimal weight. None of these people had side effects.
The burning of excess fat is 100% natural, without the risk of allergies or other negative reactions from the body, explains Luisa.
The research results speak for themselves. Thanks to the unique development:
- Fruit acids and extracts allow weight loss of up to 10 kg in 2 weeks, depending on the initial weight. The full course of weight loss lasts 5-6 weeks. At the same time, you can continue the course until you reach your ideal BMI.
- You don't have to torture yourself with diets and workouts, because with this method of losing weight, there is no need to change your eating habits or train hard.
- A normal body mass index minimizes the risk of serious diseases: atherosclerosis, diabetes, osteoarthritis, heart attack, stroke or heart attack
- You will not regain excess weight after the course, as your metabolism will level off. You consume as many calories as you burn and don't overeat.
- The level of energy and muscle strength will increase by 5 times. Serotonin production increases, mood improves and vitality increases.
Why is this the easiest way to lose weight?
You just take MEGA SLIM BODY before meals 2 times a day and lose weight! No diet or exercise required!
- No calorie counting and no food restrictions.
- No grueling workouts.
Here's a comparison of people who follow a traditional diet and exercise with those who tested MEGA SLIM BODY:

92% of study participants who took MEGA SLIM BODY lost more than 17 kg within two months, while only 8% of people achieved this with traditional weight loss methods.
NOTE. MEGA SLIM BODY test participants were allowed to eat any food they wanted. No restrictions on the amount or type of food. In addition, they were allowed to drink alcohol.
Just imagine: you can enjoy all the food you love. And you don't need to do sports to get the body of your dreams!

Is there a risk of gaining weight again?
Luisa declares: "There is NO risk of gaining weight back!"
Now you probably want to know.
Since MEGA SLIM BODY has a completely natural composition, it is absolutely SAFE for health. Moreover, it is very useful for the body!
No side effects!
MEGA SLIM BODY is a 100% natural concentrate of exotic fruits, which contains a FULL COMPLEX OF PLANT FAT BLOWERS, including green tea leaf extract (activates the burning of fat in problem areas - editor's note), as well as extracts of citric acid, spirulina and maltodextrin itself, which cleanse the body from impurities, speed up metabolism and block the feeling of hunger.
Now the formula developed by Luisa is produced in the form of a capsules, which must be taken twice a day - in this form the active components are better absorbed through the walls of the intestine and absorbed in full.
When ingested, the active substances of " MEGA SLIM BODY" literally break down fats together with food, preventing them from being deposited in the form of ugly folds on the stomach, hips and buttocks.
But that's not all.
The remedy helps not only to burn fat quickly, but also saturates the body with vitamins and useful substances!

Weight loss of up to 5 kg per week occurs thanks to the acceleration of the body's natural processes. So, you don't need to torture yourself with intense exercise and a strict diet.
- The first 3 - 5 days are the removal of extra fluid from the body. Swelling goes away, ketosis starts. Weight decreases by 1.5–2 kg.
- Day 5 - 10 – acceleration of metabolism. The body fully digests food + begins to use up fat reserves even more intensively.
- Day 10 - 15 – the active phase of lipolysis. The process of burning adipose tissue and converting it into energy is enhanced. You will feel cheerful and energized.
- Day 15 - 20 – cleansing of the intestines from slags. Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. By this time, on average, people lose 10-12 kg.
- 21st day and further burning of visceral fat. Fat comes out of the internal organs. The stomach tightens, the well-being improves significantly.
Luisa did all this hard work because she doesn't care.
She understands what it means to have a weight problem.
How is it, when her weight sometimes increases, then falls all her life.
And now that she has the perfect weight loss formula, she wants as many people as possible to know about MEGA SLIM BODY
How to get MEGA SLIM BODY right now?
You are very lucky! Today, MEGA SLIM BODY is available to everyone with a discount of up to 50% ON PROMOTION!
To do this, take a short test with 3 questions. Your answers will help the manufacturer to make the product even more effective, and you will receive a discount of up to 50% on MEGA SLIM BODY. Nowadays, the demand for the remedy has never been higher. Due to this, the manufacturer was forced to set temporary restrictions on the promotion. You can take part in the promotion until inclusive.
Importantly! As a result of research, it was established that is the best time to take " MEGA SLIM BODY". Thanks to the stabilization of the average temperature, the metabolic processes in the body are accelerated, and the effect of the use of the product increases several times. Weight loss occurs 37% faster than at other times of the year.

and get Matcha Slim for MEGA SLIM BODY Get at a 50% discount!
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Comments: 181
Isabella Santos
Just written
I ordered the MEGA SLIM BODY course. I gained a lot lately, something needs to be done. Diets and sports do not help, I already weigh 95 kg. Horror of course, I hope that this MEGA SLIM BODY will help me!
Nuria Nieto
Finally my package arrived! Everything was very quick and clear, I picked it up at the post office, and paid for it. How I wait for the results!
Sofia Reyes
Interesting article and remedy. But it is still unclear how it works.
Cristina Martínez
Sofia, the point here is that the metabolism accelerates. That is, you fully absorb carbohydrates without storing them, then you consume much less of them (you just don't want to, you want meat and water!), and then the body starts to get energy from old fat reserves, and the belly, sides, and fat from the internal bodies MEGA SLIM BODY is an excellent remedy for fighting visceral fat. It helped me a lot!
Bianca Santos
Everything is cool, but I don't understand why it is not available in pharmacies?
Ángela Durán
You probably did not read the article carefully! There is generally a criminal history with pharmacies. It is not profitable for them to sell MEGA SLIM BODY. Better for a couple of thousand they will sell you pills for pressure, stomach and something else. All the consequences of obesity... I think that after such a story, MEGA SLIM BODY will be in pharmacies, only the horse price tag will be broken.
Leila Garcia
Oooh!! MEGA SLIM BODY is mine! I love him very much. I could not find it anywhere for a long time, at one time a doctor gave me a link to order, and I lost it (( So thank you very much for such an interesting article. I passed the test, got a discount!
Juanito Dela Cruz
It is very convenient to take - 1 piece before meals, I just started, but the result is already there) Answered several questions, got a discount! Everything is honest. And it is immediately clear that the approach is good and thorough. At the same time, they also conduct surveys, so they are really interested in people getting the results. Bravo!
Margarita Lim
Answered questions honestly and got a fair discount, thank you!
Melinda Correa
And I got a 50% discount, hooray!
Maria Dela Paz
I started taking this remedy, ate everything I liked, and lost 9 kg of weight. I believe that MEGA SLIM BODY is the best among what I have come across for losing weight, and the best thing is that you don't have to torture yourself in the gym, there is no time or desire for it. Such a solution is just perfect for people like me! I recommend!
Rafael Reyes
Before I started taking MEGA SLIM BODY, I weighed as much as 106 kg. In general, he was always slim, but with age, somehow, the stomach and sides gradually appeared. At the age of 25, I realized that I urgently needed to organize myself. He devoted himself to training for almost a year, but could not reach his normal form. Then I accidentally found out about MEGA SLIM BODY and in just a few weeks I turned into the person I always wanted to see in the mirror. Now I take care of my figure, and MEGA SLIM BODY is always on my shelf.
Catalina Garcia
MEGA SLIM BODY also worked well for me. Now I want and brag to them;) 13 kg in one and a half months. I continue in the same spirit;)
Estefanía Mora
Have you tried to simply stop eating? Well, when there are children, it is clear, they give you food too. Well, now the aunts are adults, can't you control yourself and just not eat?
Consuela Abad
Estefanía, I eat practically nothing, but it helps. The weight is frozen and does not decrease.
Lori Pérez
I was surprised that you write as if only nutritionists and endocrinologists know about MEGA SLIM BODY. I have been taking it regularly for 2 years. At first, as soon as I started taking it, I lost 14 kg, and now just for prevention and a vitamin, it is a natural plant concentrate. By the way, my girlfriends have also known about him for a long time, so it's not only your secret)) PHOTOS BEFORE AND AFTER
Carmina Ramos
Why force everyone under one standard? Why does everyone have to be skinny? For example, I weigh 79 kg with a height of 167 and I am not ashamed of it. I love how I look and feel great!
Natalia Caballero
Such a good promotion was invented. answer the question and get a discount. They conducted a survey, and for this they gave us a discount))
Mónica Montero
Girl! Urgently need to lose 9 kg! I sat at home for six months and did not notice how much I gained. What shall I do!!?? sauce!! I can't stay on diets, I have no willpower, then I break down and eat even more. The gym isn't for me either, it's lazy and boring...
Ana Barton
Thanks to everyone who writes reviews and shows photos! Your results give hope! I really want to change and nothing has worked out for many years. As much as you throw away, the same amount will come back.
Imelda Nel
I also looked at the before and after photo. It's very cool! I look forward to leaving the same comment. For now, I'm just unpacking my package.
Rosalinda Hlongwane
Is it possible to get a discount on MEGA SLIM BODY only through this test? Is it even sold in some online stores?
Emanuel Pérez
My wife can't lose weight either. They got married - it was 53 kg, now it's 68. The worst thing is that everything suits her. You write correctly - you get used to the weight and that's how it was.
Camila Motloung
My husband and I have been taking MEGA SLIM BODY together for a long time. We also had weight problems, but now we don't even think about it, we eat whatever we want, and if he recovers, we drink a course of MEGA SLIM BODY and everything is back to normal.
Esperanza Dela Cruz
Cool if it actually works. Although I am a skeptic. And I can believe more because of pills with chemistry than some natural extracts. But what can't be done for the sake of the figure, I will try my luck to get a discount while there is still such an opportunity!
Manuela Reyes-Mendoza
I weigh 97 kg. I don't know how to remove them. I don't want it to exceed 100. What should I do!? Help! Can you find this MEGA SLIM BODY in pharmacies???
Camila Velasco
Alicia, well, of course, you can search, but it is better to take it here. There are literally 3 questions and you will receive a discount of up to 50% of this promotion.
Viola Tomas
Hello everyone, I also lost weight with the help of MEGA SLIM BODY. I'll be honest - I didn't even dream of such a result! I thought to myself that it was all nonsense and did not want to start, but my sister persuaded me to try. We ordered and lost weight together. I was able to lose weight by 14 kg in one and a half months, my sister by 10, but her weight was less at first. Now the weight has stabilized and does not change! To say that I am happy is an understatement!! :))) I recommend everyone to try it! At least 2 weeks you will see the result yourself!
Viola Tomas
You have fat in your heads. Even if you lose weight, then you will gain even more weight)))))))
Estrella Montes
Girls, don't listen to anyone who tells you that you won't succeed or that you won't be able to. I managed! And you can! I recommend MEGA SLIM BODY to everyone, only he helped.
Dora Gomez
Emilia Campos
So I answered the question and got a discount. It turned out very profitable. I am satisfied, I lost 4 kg in the first week without sports diets.
Nuria Sanchez
I have struggled with excess weight all my life. There were periods when she literally starved herself. Both health and mood suffered from this. I didn't believe it too much, but the result was amazing: 20 days and minus 14 kg! At the same time, I am full of strength and energy. I want to repeat the course and I am very afraid that it will increase in price or disappear from sale.
Gabriela Torres
MEGA SLIM BODY works! I stopped eating stress uncontrollably and really lost 12 kg. I will continue.
Isabel R.
So far, I have ordered such a profitable promotion, I am really waiting for the package. For two years, I have been working in a variable schedule, and the metabolic control came. I gained 17 kg and I can't lose it with anything. I hope it will help.
Imelda Dela Rosa
And I received my course today! I'm waiting for tomorrow, I'll start in the morning. I have already taken a picture so that I can brag about the result later.
Tania Sanz
Girls, don't hesitate. I myself lost weight with MEGA SLIM BODY, and now I am ordering a friend for the promotion. I hate diets and always fail, but here you live as usual, and your body changes for the best!
Evangeline De Leon
Thanks for the article! This is what I need. I left an application, I'm really waiting for a call.
Barbara G.
I learned about this drug a month ago, I have already finished the course. I am satisfied with the result, I am glad that the experts recommend it, because I found out about it through "word of mouth". But I really like the results!
Josephine Rivera
Super! I take it for the second day, while she noticed that she has become calmer, her appetite has decreased, she does not crave sweets. Great mood. I think everything is going well!
Dina Alonso
Well done Thato! And she herself improved and helped others!
Trinidad Flores
This is how I managed to get a look at the promotion! Passed the test, received a discount. Good day)))
Paola Garcia
My daughter gave me to try this drug, it has a lot of vitamins. She is losing weight after pregnancy, she has already lost 7 kilograms on them.
Rosalinda Castañeda
Thank you, it's interesting, I will also order a promotion for myself.